Picture of Andrea Low

Andrea Low, RAc

Registered Acupuncturist

Andrea is a Registered Acupuncturist and the owner/operator of The Acupuncture Wellness Loft. Andrea has 17 years in the Clerical field, the last 6 years of them working in a Hospital setting. Andrea has always had a passion for the health field and felt it was time for a career change.

Personal experiences over the years lead Andrea to a career in Acupuncture. It was in 2001 when Andrea had become unwell, her body was giving her signs and like many of us, she ignored them & tried to plough through life as if nothing was wrong. Over the years Andrea’s symptoms became debilitating and she had no other choice but to start listening.

“Being aware and in the moment is such an important key to a healthy mind & body”

In 2009 Andrea was diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, IBS, fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue. It has taken her years of educating herself on personal care. Is it perfected? No of course not. Does she slip up in her routine? Of course she does. We are human, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and exercise for our daily stress is the key to maintaining a healthy body.

Not only has Andrea grown on a personal level, but she has broadened her view and steered away from narrow minded thinking. A holistic approach has assisted Andrea with her body’s natural instinct to heal itself.

When you are sensitive to many things including medications. You look for other avenues for pain relief. Andrea wants to create awareness so others do not have to suffer as long as she did. By opening her own practice she can create a safe environment for herself and others.

Andrea’s studies from 2013-2015 at CCATCM for the Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) program is just the beginning of her journey for an educational future!

Chelsea McKenna

DOMP, BSc. Hon., Dip. FRSc.

Manual Osteopathic Practitioner

Chelsea received her Diploma in Osteopathic Manual Practice (DOMP) from the National Academy of Osteopathy in Toronto with high academic standing. She believes that the largest hurdle to a successful treatment is a connection with the patient, which is what she strives to build from the second you meet her. She loves to chat, going above and beyond to educate her client’s so they can live healthy, pain-free lives.

She believes “education is the lightest thing you will ever carry”, and she practices what she preaches. Prior to her DOMP, she earned a specialized BSc., as well as an Honours in Biology and Diploma in Forensic Science. She believes in knowing the body from the inside out, saying that ALL of her education, not just the DOMP, is the backbone (pun intended) of the way she treats.

Chelsea sees a broad range of conditions. As osteopathy is one of the lesser-known therapy styles, we often see clients who have tried the more well-known avenues of treatment prior to seeking us out. She is also a RAPID neurofascial reset specialist.

When she isn’t working, you will find her outside or in the gym. She loves sports, her dog, and good food. She is also a self-proclaimed bookworm, having never met a book she didn’t like.”

Are you a Practitioner looking to looking to set roots in our Community?

We would love to hear from you

Send us a email – andrea@aculoft.ca